
“be serious about the things you do, but don’t take yourself too serious”

At age 39 I’d like to believe I can still enjoy life without being too serious. Being a father brings responsibilities. Being a husband comes with responsibilities. Work should be a serious business. Being an adult should mean you are serious right?

At least, that’s what I thought when I was younger. Turns out, you can live with all these responsibilities, both at work and at home and still not take yourself too serious. And that is what I love. Being good at what you do, enjoying the process and have a good laugh doing it.

- Arjen, aka Ari

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

— Mark Twain

In life, we play different roles. But always be you! Unless you can be Batman, then always be Batman.


Father of a beautiful daughter. Husband to a pretty wife. Alpha male to a dog. Classic Mini lover and owner. Photographer. Haarlemmer. Frisian. Friend that loves a good game of pool, poker or ‘pilsener’. Kind of an Apple fanboy. Windsurfer, golf player, tennis player, squash… you guessed it. I like a lot.

The story of by Ari

Product by Ari. Shot by Ari. Who knows what by Ari. I have ideas, and I would like to leave a mark with the things I do. That is why I created the brand By Ari. Everything I do is by me. It is personal. It is my mark I am leaving. And the simple reason for not calling it by Arjen? Have you ever heard someone not from Holland try to pronounce the name Arjen? Really, it sounds awful.

The brand colour is Orange. It is my tribute to Holland. It stands out. And, according to my daughter at least, it is my favourite colour, so it was destined to be.

The font in the logo is handwritten. Indicating I’d like to be things to be personal. Connections. My mark. My signature. Not a distant and impersonal company name with a 13 in a dozen font or logo. You are talking to me.

Where this ends? I don’t know. I know where it started and that was with Shot by Ari. My inner creative photographer. Enjoying the process of building a brand, a product and a business.
